TEL 032-835-8710, 8933
FAX 032-835-0784
LOCATION 14호관 323호
The growing significance of the Korean economy highlights the demand for experts knowledgeable in international trade, particularly with a focus on Korea. In response to this need and in line with Korea's evolving vision in the 21st century, Incheon National University (INU) has introduced the Korean Trade and Commerce program. This program is specifically designed for international students seeking to enhance their expertise in this field. The Korean Trade and Commerce program aims to nurture skilled individuals who possess the abilities to thrive in Korea's dynamic business landscape while also making valuable contributions to the expanding realm of international trade. To ensure inclusivity and competitiveness, the entire program is conducted in English.
* The "Korea Trade and Commerce (KTC)" program will be rebranded as "International Business Economics (IBE)" starting from Spring 2024.